About a girl, and her dog.
The year was 2012 and I had just graduated from the University of Washington with a science degree. My plans to work in the Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot that summer had been postponed indefinitely due to a reckless driver making an illegal left turn under the monorail track downtown. Unfortunately for both of us she had not been aware that I was driving next to her as she turned directly into the back end of my SUV.
Needless to say my car was wrecked and shortly after I was let go from my dog-walking position due to injuries I sustained in the accident. Always a dog lover I kept my hopes up for finding a dog that needed walking and ended up finding Baxter, the blue nose pit bull. I stumbled across him one cold, drizzly morning tied to a park bench. Upon closer investigation I noticed the unmistakable signs of abuse and quickly took him home and introduced him to a new life. From an outside perspective it would seem that I rescued Baxter, but the truth is that he ended up rescuing me. He taught me that no matter how badly the world treats you, you can still love everyone unconditionally. It is no secret that looking into a dog's eyes warms the soul, and calms the senses. Breeding Bulldogs has been a blessing because I am fortunate enough to be able to help people find what makes them human.
